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четверг, 24 января 2013 г.
3 Simple High Blood Pressure Cures That Really Work
High blood pressure cures that are natural are not very complicated like their pharmaceutical counterparts. You already know that having high blood pressure can be a little bit scary at times.
You may not want to take prescription drugs to lower it because you are aware of the increased health risks involved with taking these drugs that do not work in the most natural way with the body.
Here you will learn about some high blood pressure cures that will work to bring your body back to health and equilibrium. Do not let anyone tell you that it is impossible. If you really follow the tips given here, you will see results.
1. Check your weight.
The 1st thing you want to do if you have hypertension is check your weight. Now I know this is obvious. But if you know that your body has a large amount of fat on it that can be a big factor in the fact that you have hypertension.
Like everywhere else, I am going to tell you to exercise regularly to solve this problem. It doesn't have to be anything intense. It can be as simple as a 30 minute walk in the morning or in the evening. This one little thing, if you add it to your life as a ritual will be a huge weapon in your high blood pressure cures toolbox.
2. Eat 6 smaller portioned meals everyday.
The 2nd thing you want to do when implementing these effective high blood pressure cures into your life is eating 6 meals a day. When I say eat six meals a day, I don't mean pig out 6 times a day. You want to have 6 well balanced, nutritious meals that will provide your body with nutrients. This will help you to get in the habit of eating to live vs. living to eat. When preparing these meals, try to stay away from too much salt. Salt can cause a lot of stress on the body and make your hypertension flare up.
3. Relieve yourself of stress.
The 3rd and final tool in your high blood pressure cures toolbox is to relieve stress. We live in such a hustle and bustle society that we never really take the time to smell the roses. I don't mean that literally, but it is vitally important that you take the time to stop the flow of thought at least twice a day for 5 minutes.
In this day and age of internet and computers, it is very easy to be overwhelmed by the waves of information and news whether it be personal, societal, or professional. So take some time and give yourself some relaxation every single day and if possible get yourself a massage.
These small lifestyle changes can be extremely effective and can help you get rid of hypertension without the use of medicine. After all, these medicines are here to treat your hypertension, not cure it.
I know that you may feel like the above advice is very simple and that it may seem that taking such small steps couldn't make that much of an impact on your health. But you will be pleasantly surprised when you use all of the tools that have been given to you in your toolbox of high blood pressure cures.
Lowering High Blood Pressure and Food Supplementation
During monthly pre-natal check-ups, the blood pressure of pregnant women is taken. This is vital to be sure that her blood pressure is normal. If her blood pressure becomes elevated, the doctor must start certain measures for lowering high blood pressure.
It is very important to control hypertension in a pregnant woman since this can lead to complications that affect both the lives of the mother and the fetus. Hypertension in pregnant women may result to a decrease in the blood flow going to the placenta. If there is decreased blood flow towards the placenta, the fetus will not have enough nutrients and oxygen for it to survive.
Placental abruption is another common complication of hypertension in pregnant women. Placental abruption is the premature separation of the placenta from the uterus and this can also reduce the amount of nutrients and oxygen going to the fetus. Placental abruption may also lead to premature labor and bleeding.
It is really important to get a pregnant woman's blood pressure regularly because hypertension can lead to these complications. If a pregnant woman is diagnosed to have hypertension, she must not worry a lot because this will not help her condition. Pregnant women do not have to worry since their blood pressure can surely be managed properly. And with regards to medicines against hypertension, make sure that you follow your doctor's prescription because some drugs are harmful for pregnant women.
Aside from drugs, there are also certain measures that can definitely help in lowering blood pressure. Stress reduction is one effective measure to manage the condition. Pregnant women can definitely encounter problems during their pregnancy which can cause a lot of stress but they must remember not to let stress run their lives. So that stress cannot further affect their hypertension, pregnant women must know how to properly manage stress through certain methods.
Proper diet is another method that can help in lowering high blood pressure. It is very important for pregnant women with hypertension to follow a strict healthy diet to ensure that they get properly nourished for their bodies and that of their fetus. And if you happen to have hypertension during pregnancy, you most surely must follow the strict diet for you. Furthermore, your strict diet will also ensure that your weight gain is just right because gaining too much weight could strain the heart.
Another one is making wise food choices. Caffeine and alcohol consumption must be reduced or completely removed when you are pregnant. Aside from the adverse effects of caffeine and alcohol on your fetus, these can even worsen your hypertension. Pregnant women are also recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits. You must also know that grilled and boiled food is a lot better than deep-fried ones. And other healthier food choices are whole wheat, low-fat, and non-fat products.
Aside from the previously mentioned methods, you can also drink foor supplements that are effective against hypertension. There are a lot of food supplements available in the market today but none can be compared to ion eXtra capsules. These capsules are made from natural ingredients which means that lowering high blood pressure can now be done without side effects and harming your baby. And what makes ion eXtra really great is that your hypertension will be gone in 28 days!